Northglenn, CO

Pack Info
​Who We Are
Pack 471 has been serving the Scouting needs of the Northglenn community since 1986. Chartered by Gethsemane Lutheran Church & School, we are proud to include boys and girls from not only Northglenn but neighboring communities as well. Our pack currently has approximately 25 Scouts from 7 different area schools.

​Getting Started in Cub Scouting
Complete and turn in the Cub Scout application and registration fee to the Membership Coordinator (Melissa Roder). Subscribe to Boys’ Life magazine (put a “Y” in the Boys’ Life box on the application). More information is available here.
Carefully review this packet so you know what Cub Scouting is all about and your child can get the most out of it.
Review the Cub Scout Handbook and begin doing the activities in it with your cub scout, especially those related to the outdoors and Bobcat requirements.
Review the Scoutbook calendar to find out what kind of activities the Cub Scout pack has planned for the next few months, and put them on your calendar so you can participate.
Scouting is more fun with friends! Talk with other parents, friends, or classmates and have them join your child’s Cub Scout den now to make Cub Scouting even more fun.
Consider being a Cub Scout leader for your child’s den or a member of the Pack Committee. Your child’s experience in Cub Scouting depends on your involvement. Details are in this packet.
Purchase a Cub Scout Uniform for your son or daughter to wear his awards on. Be sure to get a size large enough to last several years as your child grows. The Uniform list is on the following pages with Scout Shop location.
How Cub Scouting Works
Scouting is Family Oriented
Activities are intended for the whole family.
You work with your child on their various award requirements.
Many skills he/she will learn are family oriented.
Your Scout is a member of a Cub Scout Den
The den meets twice per month with an occasional additional outing.
The den is led by a Den Leader (usually a parent).
The den leader is may be assisted by an Assistant Den Leader, a den chief (an older Boy Scout), and/or a denner (a Cub Scout elected by den members).
Den meetings have games, crafts, songs, ceremonies, and lots of fun.
Your Scout is a member of a Cub Scout Pack
A pack meets once a month – all Cub Scout families attend.
The Cubmaster leads the monthly pack meeting.
The pack meeting is the climax of the month’s den meetings and activities.
Pack meetings have games, skits, stunts, songs, ceremonies and presentations of badges that the cub scouts have earned that month.
A Pack Committee of parent volunteers runs the pack
The Pack Committee oversees the administrative needs of the pack, and consists of a Committee Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Fundraising Chair, Membership Chair, Training Chair, and other interested parties.
The committee meets once a month to discuss Pack activities. Those who usually attend Committee Meetings are Committee Members & Den Leaders. The Committee Meetings are open to anyone who would like to attend.
The committee selects leaders, performs record keeping, manages pack finances, orders badges, maintains pack equipment, helps train leaders, and recognizes leaders.
The pack is owned by a Chartering Organization
Charter organizations include schools, parent associations, religious, organizations, service clubs, and other groups interested in youth.
The chartered organization approves leaders, provides a meeting place, and operates the pack within the guidelines and policies of the chartered organization and the Scouts, BSA.
The chartered organization selects a Chartered Organization Representative who serves as a liaison between the pack and the organization.
Our charter organization is Gethsemane Lutheran Church & School.
Volunteer Positions in the Pack
Leads the Den at weekly Den Meetings and monthly Pack Meeting. May attend Committee Meeting and District Roundtable Meeting.
Helps plan and carry out the Pack program with the help of the Pack Committee. Emcee’s monthly Pack Meeting, and attends Committee Meeting and District Roundtable Meeting.
Presides at all Committee Meetings. Helps recruit adult leaders. Also attends the Pack Meeting and District Roundtable Meetings.
Keeps all records for the Pack including Pack bank account, financial records, etc.
Attends Pack Meetings and Committee Meetings.
Maintains advancement records. Orders and obtains all badges and insignia. Attends
Pack Meetings and Committee Meetings.
Meets with Den Leaders monthly to plan Pack program with the help of the Pack
Committee. Attends Pack Meetings, Pack Leaders’ & Parents’ Meeting and District Roundtable Meeting. The Cub Master may perform this function in a small pack.
Coordinates the Tiger Cub den to ensure they stay active and participate in Pack
Meetings and activities.
Each year the Pack will undertake several short-term projects. Parents and other volunteers are needed for activities such as pack fundraisers (pizza, popcorn or similar events), Scouting for Food, Pinewood Derby, Rain-gutter Regatta, Blue and Gold Banquet, Pack Crossover, and Camping programs. These duties are of short duration, and still enable all families to assist with pack responsibilities.
Cub Scout Uniform
CubScout Handbook $12.99
Required Uniform Items (minimum price listed other options available)
Neckerchief $8.99 (9.99 for Webelos)
Youth short sleeve shirt starting at $24.99
Webelos youth short sleeve shirt starting at $39.99
Denver Area Council patch (left sleeve) $ 4.45
4, 7, 1 patches (1/2” beneath the Denver Area Council Patch) $1.49 each
Den number (right sleeve underneath the flag) $1.49
World Crest patch (centered about 1 ½” above the left front pocket) $1.99
Cub Scout belt $9.99
Webelos belt $12.99
Slide (for neckerchief, can be PVC pipe or something the boy makes too) $5.99
Total Cost is roughly: $75+ ($95+ for Webelos)
If you are unable to purchase a uniform and are in need of assistance please see our Committee Chair Melissa Roder.
Optional Uniform Items
Hat $14.99
Socks $5.99 (Webelos $7.99)
All Items can be purchased at the Denver Scout Shop 10455 W. 6th Ave., Suite 125 Denver, Co 80215 or Online www.scoutstuff.org
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9AM-6PM
Tuesday 9AM-8PM
Saturday 9AM-3PM
Sunday: Closed
Annual cost of Cub Scouts is $66 for BSA membership. The Cub Scouting year runs from Jan-Dec at which time the $66 will be due. If joining scouts during any other month, a prorated amount will be determined at a cost of $5.50 per month. Our pack also requires additional dues of $100/year. Up to half of this may be offset by volunteer hours worked by parent(s).